Vidya Pratishthan's


Vidyanagari, Indapur, Dist - Pune, 413106 (Maharashtra) India

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune | I.D.PU/PN/CS/319/2008

 Mandatory Discloser ||  Schedule of BBA/BBA (CA) Admission Process against Vacant Seats (Institute Level) For Academic Year 2024-2025 || Google form for admission of Institute level/Non CAP A.Y. 2024-25 ||  (EBC), (EWS) (SEBC) & (OBC) प्रवर्गातील पात्र विद्यार्थी व विद्यार्थीनींकडून प्रवेशाच्यावेळी शिक्षण शुल्काची रक्कम शैक्षणिक संस्थांनी न घेणेबाबत (१९-जुलै-२०२४) ||  (EBC), (EWS) (SEBC) & (OBC) प्रवर्गातील पात्र विद्यार्थी व विद्यार्थीनींकडून प्रवेशाच्यावेळी शिक्षण शुल्काची रक्कम शैक्षणिक संस्थांनी न घेणेबाबत (०८-जुलै-२०२४) ||  महाविद्यालय तक्रार निवारण कक्ष ||  internal complaint committee ||  anti ragging committee || NAAC Accredited Grade - B || Online Admission 2024-25 ||  No Caste Based Discrimination College ||  Anti ragging event celebration ||

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About Us

Vidya Pratishthan’s Commerce & Science College Indapur was constituted with Courses Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Computer Application and Bachelor of computer Science in June 2008, in a picturesque educational campus sprawling over 70 acres, 135 Km away from Pune and 45 km away from Baramati in Pune district with elaborate infrastructure, Spacious Building, modern laboratories, library, hostels, canteen and residential quarters for the staff, is the hallmark of this nascent institution.

Within the time span of fourteen years the organization has successfully undergone in the development of Innovative learning methodologies like ICT enabled Labs, Innovation and Start up Cell, Moodle learning Platform and MOOC learning resource. These facilities initiated a dramatic effect on students in terms of their application of knowledge. The college got captivating responses from an existing course resulted to launch new courses Bachelor of Science & Bachelor of Commerce in the year 2021-22 with optimum educational resources and innovative labs.

College Offers BBA(CA), B.Sc.(Computer Science), BBA, Bcom & Bsc. program in faculty of Commerce & Science.

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Our Placed Students!

Bhosale Vishal
Bhosale Vishal
Shaikh Shabnam
Shaikh Shabnam
Bhagat Ganesh Santosh
Bhagat Ganesh Santosh
Wipro along with company sponsored M.Tech admission
Patil Shambhavi Vijaykumar
Patil Shambhavi Vijaykumar
Saama Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Rushikesh Holkunde
Rushikesh Holkunde
Mphasis + company sponsored M.Tech admission
Chaitanya Gargade
Chaitanya Gargade
Nvidia Graphics Pvt. Ltd. as a Process Executive
Bagrecha Sejal Parasmal
Bagrecha Sejal Parasmal
Piramal Finance,Mumbai
Kamble Manthan Makarand
Kamble Manthan Makarand
Piramal Finance,Mumbai
Mulani Sahil Shikandar
Mulani Sahil Shikandar
Patil Nikita Dhanaji
Patil Nikita Dhanaji
Abhishek Gunaware
Abhishek Gunaware
Piramal Capital and Housing Finance
Shruti Mandlecha
Shruti Mandlecha
Piramal Consumer Products
Vitkar Rushikesh Mahadev
Vitkar Rushikesh Mahadev
Wipro along with company sponsored M.Tech admission
Tamboli Bilal Nashir
Tamboli Bilal Nashir
Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)
Garde Samadhan Ratnakar
Garde Samadhan Ratnakar
Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd, Pune
Rajan Balasaheb Chopade
Rajan Balasaheb Chopade
Infosys as a System Associate
Vikas Dhuldev Virkar 
Vikas Dhuldev Virkar 
Wipro along with  company sponsored M.Tech admission
Koli Sameer Aabaji
Koli Sameer Aabaji
Piramal Finance,Mumbai
Shinde Om Rajendra
Shinde Om Rajendra
Nachan Aniket Sanjay
Nachan Aniket Sanjay
Katekar Shrikant
Katekar Shrikant

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Lessons Taken
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Certificates Completed
Total Certificates Completed to date.
Average Course Rating
4.8 / 5
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