Organization of “Career Katta” for youth through Higher and Technical Education Department
“Career Katta” is organized by Maharashtra State Higher and Technical Education Department and Maharashtra Information Technology Assistance Centre. Two activities have been organized under this “IAS Aaplya bhetila” and “Enterprenaur Aaplya bhetila”. Both these activities will be implemented for one hour every day for 365 days.
1) IAS Aaplya Bhetila :-
As competitive exam preparation is available in places like Pune and Delhi, youths from rural areas come to big cities, but as the expenses there are out of reach, the students will be guided under the initiative "IAS Aaplya Bhetila". The guidance of administrative officers who are actually working all over India will be made available to the students like this every day.
2) Entrepreneur Aaplya Bhetila:-
With the view to enhance the entrepreneurial skills of the youth who want to become entrepreneurs with the help of various programs going on at the national and international level, the initiative "Entrepreneurs to visit" will be implemented across the state.
This activity is affiliated to the Entrepreneurship Development Department in colleges and representatives of different banks, representatives of administrative department, various experts will guide in this activity.
-How to register?
Career Katta workshop will be conducted for 365 days for one hour every day. The registration fee for this workshop is Rs.365 (1/- per day). Those interested to participate in the workshop can register themselves by contacting 7507652555.
Prof. Mahadeo B. Kuchekar
Career Katta Coordinator
Vidya Pratishthans Commerce and Science College, Indapur
Contact No - 9975408174